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How Dangerous Are Wasps In Allen, TX?


Living in Allen is great, but there are a few dangerous pests you need to look out for. Out of all the hazardous local pests, wasps are one of the most common. For this reason, it's essential to understand just how dangerous wasps may be to you and your guests.

Which Wasps Are in Allen?

All of the wasps in Allen are dangerous, but it's still useful to know which wasps are in the area. One of the most aggressive wasps is the bald-faced. This black wasp has pale white or yellow markings on its face. Although people often confuse this wasp with the yellow jacket, it doesn't have the same striped pattern on its body.

Paper wasps are highly common in or around Allen properties. As with most wasps, these have pinched waists and dangling legs. They grow to be approximately one inch long and have nests that look like small paper umbrellas. Typically, people find these nests on awnings and playground equipment.

If you see an all-black wasp near your home, you could be looking at a cricket hunter. However, they aren't very common and are unlikely to get into your home. As their name suggests, cricket hunters prey on crickets. They paralyze a live cricket and lay an egg on it. When the larva hatch, it eats the cricket.

You're more likely to find mud daubers than cricket killers. These wasps are solitary and have thin waists. They tend to have colors that range from black and yellow to iridescent. When nesting, these wasps build mud-like tubes.

The Dangers of Allen Wasps

While the appearance and behavior of Allen wasps vary, there's one unfortunate similarity. All of the local wasps can sting, and they all have the potential to initiate a deadly allergic reaction. Not everyone is allergic to wasp venom, but those who are allergic may suffer from hives, nausea, and difficulty breathing.

Even if you don't have a known wasp allergy, a sting isn't pleasant. You should expect to experience pain and swelling, and this could last for hours. After a wasp sting, you should wash the area with soap and water to minimize the effects. A cold compress can help with the swelling.

One of the biggest issues with wasps is their ability to sting multiple times. If you pose a threat, a wasp might sting you three or four times. Other wasps could join in and leave you with too many stings to count. And, to your disadvantage, it's difficult to spot wasp nests. Sometimes a nest is hidden, and you disturb it while mowing the lawn or playing outside.

Staying Safe From Wasps

If you don't want to be a victim of a wasp attack, you need to take measures to keep wasps away. This means doing all of the following:

  • Trim Your Hedges: Overgrown hedges are ideal for some of the local wasps. To keep these pests away, take the time to trim your hedges. Dispose of the trimmings properly, or your debris piles could attract other insects.
  • Don't Have Flowering Plants: Even if you love flowering plants, you should avoid planting them in your garden. Keep your garden far from your home or outdoor living area.

Work With an Expert

If you do find a nest on your property, don't try to take matters into your own hands and remove it. You could experience multiple stings. The best thing to do is to call a professional to remove the nest. Contact us at Adams Exterminating Company for the safe removal of a wasp nest and pest prevention tips. We're here to help you stay safe from wasps. Call us today to get started and learn more about our home pest control plans.