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Kicking Off 2019 Right With Year-Round Pest Protection


New Year’s resolutions are standard fare each January. Many people start out the year with renewed resolve to finally get in shape, quit smoking, pull themselves out of debt, and a million other noble goals. Sadly, however, by this time of the month, most of those people have already given up and fallen back into their old routines.

Here at Adams Exterminating Company, we know the value of committing to a goal and seeing it through. That’s why we want to help you set and follow through on a New Year’s resolution for 2019. We might not be able to help you lose 20 pounds, but we can help you with your financial goals.

Every year, pests cause billions of dollars of damage to homes all over the United States. By taking preventative action, you can ensure that your home doesn’t fall victim to a similar fate. By resolving to keep your home pest-free in 2019, you’ll protect your home and family from the following pests:


Rodents, such as rats and mice, often invade homes in the cold winter months when they’re in need of shelter and food. Once inside, they damage your home in various ways, including:

Chewing on your belongings, insulation, and even wiring, ruining items you own and putting your home in danger.

Contaminating your food and countertops with their feces, opening your family up to illness.


Termites are a year-round pest that are far more than a nuisance. Because they rarely come out in the open, it’s possible for them to infest your home without your knowledge. They may work for months, or even years, before you realize what’s happening. Since they can stay active year-round in the climate controlled environment of your home, termites cause serious structural damage to your home as they eat away at the beams that support your house.


Carpenter ants do damage similar to termites, and they work year-round once they get into your home.

When spring arrives, you have nuisance ant species to look out for as they invade your home looking for food.

Then, of course, there is the threat of fire ants. These ants will not have a problem stinging you if you come into contact with them, and their stings can cause serious pain.


Spiders can be a year-round problem for homeowners. Although their numbers are greater in the spring and summer months, they tend to move indoors more frequently in the fall and winter. Some spiders, such as the common house spider, are merely nuisance pest, building and abandoning webs all over your home. Other spiders, such as black widows and brown recluses, are venomous, and can cause serious harm when they bite.

Stinging Insects

As soon as the weather starts to warm up, stinging insects will be out in full force. Wasps and hornets, to name just a couple, love to reside around homes. They can make going outside a real nightmare.

By choosing one of Adams Exterminating Company’s home pest control solutions, you will ensure that your home is safe from these pests and others. We provide every-other-month service visits that take care of the exterior and interior of your home.

It's not too late to add a pest-free home to your New Year’s resolutions. Follow through with this resolution by calling Adams for a free quote. You’ll find that of all the resolutions you’ve ever made, this one is the easiest to keep!