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Tips And Tricks To Keep Pests Out Of Your North Texas Home

two story home with green grass

Home pest control can provide homeowners with peace of mind. Adams Exterminating
offers residential pest control in the North Texas area. Our skilled technicians can even share helpful home pest control tips.

Want to learn more about natural pest control home remedies? Think essential oils for home pest control can be effective? Natural home pest control may be a preventative option for some regional residents.

Types Of Pests That Commonly Invade North Texas Homes

A complete understanding of why home pest control is needed begins with looking at the offenders. Many pests bother homeowners, but only a handful may be frequent sights in this part of the Lone Star State.

  • Bed Bugs: People who have never encountered these insects can consider themselves lucky. Bed bugs are parasites that prefer to dine on human blood. Roughly about the size and shape of an apple seed, this pest is tiny, can multiply quickly, and infest properties. 
  • Cockroaches: A few types of these nasty bugs can cause trouble here. These gross pests are not just yucky to look at; they can transmit disease to unsuspecting people. There could be many more lurking just out of sight if one roach is seen.
  • Pantry Pests: Nobody wants to start cooking and find creepy crawlies inside ingredient packaging, but this scenario is not uncommon. Indian meal moths and grain beetles are the main culprits, but ants and silverfish may also be problematic in this home area.
  • Rodents: Mice and rats can sneak onto the property to claim it as their own. Once these furry creatures get in, they begin increasing their numbers, and a full-blown infestation is sure to follow. A few types of rats and mice may pose problems in North Texas. Do-it-yourself (DIY) removal methods rarely, if ever, work.
  • Termites. Could one little bug destroy a house? No, but a colony of a certain kind of bug can. That’s right, given enough time, a colony of termites can cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage to the average structure.

The Dangers Pests Bring To North Texas Homes

Each kind of pest brings its own set of issues. While some of these issues are far worse than others, it’s not a bad idea to become aware of potential hazards.

Bed bugs can take over the home, leave itchy bites, and cause sleeplessness.  Rodents and roaches can carry pathogens and diseases, which they don’t mind sharing with household members. Pantry pests can contaminate food. Termites can severely damage homes; and bank accounts.

Natural Pest Prevention Tips For North Texas Homes

Some popular home pest control tips focus on handling things naturally or without harsh chemicals. An easy way to integrate natural home pest control is to address home moisture. Many pests love dampness; control them by drying out the premises with a dehumidifier.

There are other natural pest control home remedies too. Consider using essential oils for home pest control. Lemon eucalyptus, peppermint, and lavender oils are favored oils for preventing pests in the home. Cinnamon sticks and bay leaves can aid pantry protection.

The Best Form Of Pest Protection For Your North Texas Home

Keeping pests out of the home can sometimes take more effort than prevention. A comprehensive residential pest control service complete with routine follow-ups is a solution that works. Contact Adams Exterminating to get that seemingly elusive pest-free home. We have the resources and manpower to handle pests in North Texas effectively.