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How Long Does Termite Season Last In Frisco, TX?

group of termites eating wood

Usually, a new season is a good thing. We all look forward to the next season of our favorite TV shows, after all. But termite season isn’t such a welcome occasion. When flying termites start to gather on your property, it’s nothing but stress and frustration.

But when does this annual emergence of termites happen? And how long does termite season last in Frisco?

What Is Termite Season?

Termite season refers to the period when developed termite colonies release their winged reproductive, also known as “swarmers,” to mate and establish colonies of their own. Depending on the particular type of termite, this phenomenon can happen at different times of the year. But in general, termite season begins at the first sign of warm weather following the winter months — typically around early March.

Termite season can last for a long time. In warmer climates like Texas, the termite season can start as early as February and may end as late as November, with only the colder temperatures of the winter months to stave off outdoor termite activity. However, termites are typically at their most active during the spring and summer months.

Why You Should Be Prepared

Termites are the most destructive pest that can infest your home. Rodents and certain insects can damage your property, but they pale in comparison to the kind of utter destruction that termites can wreak. Taking preventive measures against termites is always a good plan, especially since certain types of termites may swarm in the fall rather than in the spring. Light southern subterranean termites, for example, are known to appear late in the year, well after peak termite season.

Why Termites Are Trouble

While termite season may only happen at certain times of the year, termite infestations are a nonstop problem. And just because you don’t see termites doesn’t mean that you don’t have a termite problem. The truth is that termite problems require year-round vigilance to prevent them properly.

As long as they have warmth and humidity to sustain them, termites can easily last the winter inside the floors and walls of your home. Signs of activity are often hard to notice, and many homeowners won’t realize they have a termite problem until noticeable damage has been done and the infestation has become advanced.

Without a professional termite control technician's trained eye, it can be almost impossible to detect an early termite infestation. Every year, Americans spend billions on termite repairs, with the average cost of service being around $3,000 or more. But these expensive repairs can be avoided with some ongoing support from your local pest control company.

The Adams Solution

At Adams Exterminating Company, we know how important it is to protect your Frisco home from destructive termites. That’s why we’ve developed a comprehensive termite control program to provide relief and protection from termite infestations.

Our process begins with a detailed inspection of your property's interior and exterior to identify any signs of termite activity and determine the best course of action to solve the problem. We’ll work with you to create a customized plan tailored to your needs, thoroughly explained by one of our friendly technicians.

We’ll treat the problem areas around your home and install the industry-leading Sentricon® System with Always Active™ bait stations in a strategic location to eliminate your termite colony completely. Once termites take the bait, they’ll spread it to the rest of the colony, causing reproduction to cease.

If you’re concerned with termites infesting your Frisco property, get in touch with the termite control experts at Adams Exterminating Company today!