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What To Do If You Are Bitten By A Tick In Plano, TX

red and black tick on a green plant

Although ticks in Plano are tiny, they're also dangerous. If you don't follow the proper steps to remove the tick, you could be jeopardizing your health. To prepare yourself for an encounter with this unwanted pest, learn what you should do after a tick bite.

The Trouble With Plano Ticks

If you're not already familiar with ticks in Plano, it's time you got acquainted. There are two types of ticks you might encounter, and either one of them could burrow into your skin and suck your blood. Black-legged ticks are small and have eight legs. Although they don't have any distinct markings, you might identify these ticks by their brownish color and dark legs.

Also in the area, lone star ticks are quite common. They have a large white dot on their back and tend to be reddish-brown. If you're hanging out in a wooded area or tall grass, you might come across either type of tick. They wait for hosts to come by and cling onto the unsuspecting victim.

Once a tick gets onto a person or animal, it looks for the right place to attach. Typically, this is bare skin in a warm area. Ticks have been known to gravitate towards armpits, groins, and other less visible areas. You could have a tick on you feeding for hours but never realize that it's there.

You might not like the idea of a tick feeding on you. But this isn't the real issue posed by these Plano pests. When a tick bites you, it could spread serious disease. Both black-legged ticks and lone star ticks have been known to make people ill. Not every tick carries diseases, but many of them do.

How To Handle A Tick Bite

As soon as you notice a tick on you, try to remove it carefully and quickly. Look for tweezers and try to pull out the tick. If it isn't already latched on, this won't be difficult, and you can remove the tick and throw it in the toilet bowl. However, a latched tick may be challenging to remove.

When you try to remove a tick, avoid crushing the body. Furthermore, avoid any jerking or twisting motions that might leave part of the tick embedded in your skin. If you only remove part of the tick, you could develop a secondary infection. In some cases, you need medical attention to safely remove a tick.

Your job isn't done after you remove the tick. For the days and weeks after your incident, pay attention to your health. If you feel fatigued, have nausea, or other flu-like symptoms, call a doctor. Your sickness could be a coincidence, or it could be a tick-borne disease. Also, be on the lookout for a bullseye rash around the site of the tick bite.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to speak with a doctor. They will make sure you get the appropriate treatment.

Keeping Ticks Away

Like most pests, ticks are all around Plano. You don't need to go on a hike to have a chance encounter - it could happen in your backyard. Wildlife pests and pets sometimes carry ticks onto your property and make you vulnerable.

Unfortunately, there's no way to guarantee you won't get a tick bite. There is, however, a way to keep ticks away from your property. When you work with us at Adams Exterminating Company, you can control tick populations around your yard. Our team has years of experience and puts you and your household first. If you want to learn more about how you can keep ticks away, give us a call now.