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How Dangerous Is It To Have Fleas In My Allen, TX Home?


Insects and creatures can quickly spoil outdoor fun. Most will persistently swarm and run around you while you’re trying to enjoy a sports game, a barbecue, or a day by the pool. Some critters, like fleas, are more troublesome than others.

Many people aren’t that concerned about fleas because of how ordinary they are. This is a major misconception. These pests are capable of transmitting diseases, as they take blood from both humans and animals. After they’ve feasted on you, you’ll have red and itchy bumps on your body. Find out more about the dangers of fleas and how you can avoid them with help from Adams Exterminating Company in Allen. 

How Do You Get Fleas? What Are the Hazards?

It’s tough to control fleas. One reason is that their compressed bodies are nearly microscopic. Generally, they are 0.09 of an inch long. Their reddish-brown skin has a gleam to it. Though these bugs can’t fly, their jumping hind legs will get them far. They can reach your clothes and/or a domestic animal’s coat. Getting inside your home is simple at that point. With time, groups of them will be crawling on pet accessories, rugs, and fabrics. If you don’t have any furry companions, fleas will target rodents, squirrels, and similar pests.

Key infestation signs are:

  • Pets that scratch themselves more than the usual 
  • Continually seeing welts on your skin 
  • Finding grainy flea fecal waste on carpeting and animal beds
  • Discovering flea eggs close to furniture, rugs, structural voids, and pets

Fleas are a health risk because they can spread typhus, tapeworms, and parasitic, bacterial diseases. When they bite you, you may experience skin inflammation and/or allergic reactions. If you cut your bites in the midst of scratching them, germs may get inside and develop into a secondary bacterial infection. Anemia is common in households facing a flea infestation; these insects will be able to absorb blood repeatedly.

You must stay alert for fleas if you’re in a shady or sandy area with lush organic matter, such as a forest. Not only do these pests love woody and grassy zones, but they also have an affinity for water as well. They are known to surround lakesides, ditches, ponds, and the like. Residential yards may be covered with the bugs too. Keep your eyes open near patios and decks. Be cautious lifting shrubs, rocks, and debris because they could be under it. Being indoors will not impede their reproduction or survival, so don’t take invasions lightly. 

What Can Be Done to Prevent Fleas?

Unfortunately, having a pet-free domicile won’t spare you from fleas. They are a threat to every person and abode. To reduce the chances of an intrusion, you’ll have to be more diligent about your cleaning practices, exterior care, and animal monitoring:

  • Mow the lawn and trim greenery regularly.
  • Discard pieces and piles of yard debris.
  • Use gravel for your property’s perimeter instead of soil. 
  • Get in touch with a veterinarian about year-round flea control and treatment for animals. 
  • Examine and groom your pet’s hair on a routine basis.  
  • Frequently clean and vacuum rugs.  
  • Inspect second-hand furniture, carpeting, and other things before buying them. 
  • Contact Adams Exterminating Company if you have pests fleas might have as a host.

How Will Adams Exterminating Company Handle Fleas?

Since fleas rapidly multiply, you can’t afford to waste time and money on ineffective retail insecticides. The average shelf goods cannot eliminate an infestation. On top of that, they might be noxious. We at Adams Exterminating Company have safe interior and exterior home pest control treatments that are industrial-grade. Pricing is fairly based on the extent of the issue. Call today for a free estimate!