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Are Jumping Spiders In Frisco Dangerous?

Close up of a Jumping Spider's eyes.

When you’re watching a scary movie, the most frightening moments tend to happen when you least expect them. It typically involves something jumping out at you. This happens at home too. You might be walking around a corner when someone jumps out at you. Even though the person isn’t threatening, anything jumping at you when you don’t expect it can be very startling. So when you go to squish a spider in your house only to have it jump at you, this experience will stay with you awhile.

Jumping Spiders

The jumping spiders that invade Frisco homes are usually black, but they can also be tan or grey. These spiders only range up to 1.8 centimeters in length, including their legs. These legs are often thick near the front, which gives them the ability to jump over 20 times their own body length.

This jumping ability also allows them to capture their prey. That's the good thing about these spiders-their lack of web-spinning. As they hunt through your house for prey, they’ll jump from surface to surface before using their venomous fangs to capture their next meal. However, they can’t use this venom on you, so they’re not dangerous to humans.

Jumping spiders are talented and intelligent hunters. They’ll usually hang out in the areas of your home that other pests are most attracted to-basements, damp spaces, doors, and windows. Since they don’t spin webs, spotting them is really the only way to know if you have an infestation.

Prevention Tips

While they are not dangerous to humans, they’re still an unsettling presence in the house, so prevention is key. With their jumping abilities, these spiders can quickly get to places that many spiders cannot. This makes them pretty tough to keep out (especially since they’re so small). The best preventive measures are to reduce attractions, and what attracts them the most? Other pests. If you observe general pest control practices then you’ll limit jumping spiders. These best practices include:

  • Cleaning consistently: by vacuuming, mopping, and wiping down surfaces, you’ll reduce the number of pests who think your house would make a good home.
  • Food and trash storage: by securely storing your trash, you’ll frustrate pests who are looking for a consistent food source. They’ll find any food that isn’t properly stored. This includes foods left out on the counter or in the sink overnight. Put the food and dishes away each night to avoid unnecessary pest risks.
  • Address moisture issues: most pests love damp places like the basements, under sinks, or under kitchen appliances. That’s why it’s essential you keep humidity levels low and always check for leaking pipes under your counters and in the basement.
  • Sealing cracks and entry points: most pests will get in under doors that don’t have proper weather-stripping, through gaps in window-sills, and cracks in the foundation. Gaps and cracks can be sealed with caulking and replacing damaged weather-stripping under doors should be a priority. You’ll also want to check any screens for large holes or tears.

Unfortunately, you can do all of these things and still wind up with pests and spiders. Pest control is an inexact science, and most home remedies are a waste of time and money. It will save you a lot of headaches, in the long run, to just let the experts handle the problem the first time. If you are seeing jumping spiders in or around your home or for more prevention advice contact the professionals at Adams Exterminating Company.