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The Most Effective Way To Keep Pantry Pests Out Of Your Denton Home

Grain beetle crawling.

People hate insects and creatures for many valid reasons. Their appearance, unpredictability, and sudden movements make them scary. If one is not afraid of a critter, they are grossed out by them. Many species carry germs and can affect food and surfaces. The fast reproduction of various bugs and animals increases the chances of these health hazards. When pests aren’t causing folks to become sick, they are damaging property. For instance, wood, furniture, and fabrics. This is why Denton home and business owners are so adamant about control and elimination. However, several specimens are hard to get rid of because of their size, hiding spots, and volume. Pantry pests are an example.

Pantry pests are tiny, settle deep in cabinets and food, and multiply quickly. Since the average person knows very little about them, understanding why they come about and how to keep them at bay is tough. That can change now if you read this article, and also learn how Adams Exterminating can be of assistance.

Common Pantry Pests & Risks

Pantry pests that frequent our area are Indian meal moths, cigarette beetles, and saw-toothed beetles. Indian meal moths have a wingspan of 5/8 of an inch, with a body length of ⅜ of an inch. Their gray wings have a brown or bronze tint. The young have brown heads with figures that are either cream, pink, or yellow-green.
Cigarette beetles are oval-shaped, with heads that are downward bent. Their 1/10 of an inch long bodies come in yellow, red, or brown. They fly well. The larvae are yellow-white and resemble grub. Not only do these insects ruin food, but they also impact books and furniture.
Saw-toothed beetles are flat, brown, and max at ⅛ of an inch long. Six saw-like extensions outline their bodies. Their white-yellow babies are a tad smaller than the adults.

Key facts about these pests are:

  • They slip into packaged goods in distribution factories and drop eggs; larvae create the most wreckage.
  • They feed on flour, rice, grains, spices, dry goods, pet food, fruit, tobacco, cereal, and more.
  • They don’t bite, sting, spread disease, or carry parasites and pathogens.
  • They contaminate food with their webs and waste, which changes flavors and fosters mold growth.
  • Any items they’ve inhabited should be thrown away immediately.
  • Seeing them or their larvae is a sign of infestation.

Preventing Pantry Pests

What happens in a food plant or factory is out of your hands. You can’t monitor or control their systems to ensure they are being proactive about pantry pest management. You still have options, though. By employing your own inspection and building maintenance practices, you can curb pantry pest occurrences:

  • Examine all food boxes and packages; this includes pet meals.
  • Deep clean your cabinets and pantries often. Take all items out before you begin.
  • Have voids around foundations, cabinets, ceilings, and appliances sealed.
  • Use containers that have tight lids for food storage. They can be glass or plastic.

Adams Exterminating Company Pantry Pest Intervention

Adams Exterminating has been in operation for over 70 years. There’s no bug or creature we haven’t encountered and conquered. We defeat them every time because we use cutting-edge technology and equipment, and powerful products that are specially designed. Don’t worry; “powerful” doesn’t mean dangerous. We pride ourselves on our diverse solutions that are safe for humans and pets. After a visit from us, you’ll be able to eat again without hesitation. The pantry pests will be gone; period.
We have comprehensive plans in Denton that are economical and loaded with perks. Service guarantees and regular treatments are just the beginning. Start with a free estimate today!