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What To Do And What Not To Do About Termites In Frisco

Termites crawling on rotten wood.

It’s incredible how quickly people can lose their Frisco properties to wood-destroying insects. In a short period, you could be in the position to consider relocation. At best, you might be somewhere else for a time. These kinds of pests are usually hidden behind walls, or they’re under the soil. This is the case with termites.

Termite activity is beneficial to the environment, as revitalizing nutrients are put out to the ground. Plants, trees, and other organic matter can mature well. Believe it or not, these pests are respected to the point of being a delicacy in some countries. Regardless of this, they can’t be tolerated. Americans spend $5 billion each year trying to manage or recover from termites. Insurance companies are usually no help. “Do it yourself” tricks are a dead-end too. Find out how to successfully trump these bugs with assistance from Adams Exterminating Company.

How Do Termites Behave? What Are Signs of Infestation?

Workers, soldiers, and swarmers are in the colonies of termites. From species to species, each appears differently. Locally, many workers are 0.12 of an inch long and grayish-white or white. When they’re breaking down wood, soldiers with rectangular heads will use their fat mandibles to guard them. They’re often yellow-brown. Swarmers are ½ of an inch long. Their winged frames are black, yellow, or brown. As nests become full and mating season starts, they’ll fly along the land and initiate more colonies. Given their affinity for light, you might see them on fixtures and windows. An infestation is evident if swarmers are in the mix. Additional signals are:

  • Drywall that’s discolored and slumping 
  • Walls that have pin-point holes, mud tubes, and maze patterns in them  
  • Disengaging tiles and waning floorboards
  • Observing that paint is puffing up, chipping, or looks damaged by water 
  • Discovering swells of fecal frass, which is similar to salt and pepper
  • Having foundations that sound hollow  
  • Finding the discarded wings of swarmers

How Can You Prevent Termites? What’s Wrong With “Do It Yourself” Termite Tactics

Boric acid, orange oil, and vinegar are three of the things people use to kill termites. Commercial liquids and baits are popular as well. Folks will even try sitting the wood under the sun. These approaches can yield results, but minimally. You won’t see an infestation diminish despite several bugs dying, and some species won’t respond at all to these treatments. One of the many upsides to seeking out professionals is that they have the skills and resources to identify termite classes and select the proper method correctly. 

Folks don’t realize how dangerous independent concoctions and shelf items are. They contain chemicals, or they could produce a related effect. Label instructions can be perplexing and thus give way to misapplication. Not only could you put yourself and others in harm’s way, but your termite plague may exacerbate. Since termite populations can be vast and widely dispersed, the temporary effects of solo avenues won’t cut it. If you do anything on your own, perform these tasks:

  • Get rid of or restore injured or rotting wood.
  • Have moisture complications repaired immediately; begin with what’s affecting the wood.  
  • Keep free wood, such as fire logs, off of the soil. 
  • Seal openings in utility lines and foundations.  
  • Place greenery and wood away from the property by two feet.  
  • Have annual inspections by Adams Exterminating Company.

What Can Adams Exterminating Company Do About Termites?

We at Adams Exterminating Company have industrial-grade termite treatments that are reliable and safe. Our experienced and certified technicians will install Sentricon® System with Always Active™ baits, fashioned to halt termite procreation, eradicate current bugs, and block potential intruders. Monitoring, warranties, and ongoing protection are available. Request your free estimate and call us today!