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The Most Common Fall Cockroach Invaders


With North Texas autumn bringing slightly cooler temperatures and a bit more rain, it’s no surprise that certain pests find it the perfect time of year to thrive. While dry conditions are bad for a lot of bugs, once a bit of humidity enters the picture, many of them start coming out of the woodwork (literally, in some cases). One such pest is the dreaded cockroach.

There are many species of cockroaches, but three are common in North Texas. Below we show how to identify each, as well the signs they leave behind.

American Cockroach

The American cockroach is typically about two inches in length, but can grow to be over three inches. It is reddish-brown and has distinctive yellow markings behind its head, which resemble a figure eight. Both males and females have fully developed wings and are capable of flight. American cockroaches eat small insects, fungi, and leaf and wood particles when outdoors. When inside, they’ll eat crumbs and small food particles they find lying around, as well as pet food.

German Cockroach

German cockroaches are a very common species of cockroach and are much smaller than their American cousins. German cockroaches grow to about half an inch in size. They are light brown with two black horizontal stripes running down behind their head. German cockroaches have wings, but rarely fly, preferring instead to run very fast from place to place. German cockroaches have an interesting diet consisting of soap, shampoo, toothpaste, glue, starches, and meats.

Oriental Cockroach

The Oriental cockroach grows to be about an inch in length and has a shiny, smooth, black body. Oriental cockroaches have wings, but cannot fly. They enjoy starchy foods, garbage, and decaying matter and can survive for up to a month without eating, and up to two weeks without water.

How to Find Cockroaches

Cockroaches prefer dark, warm, and humid areas close to a food source. If they have invaded your home, you’ll likely find them under kitchen or bathroom sinks or in the basement or laundry room. They don’t typically come out during the day, so be on the lookout for their fecal matter or egg casings.

Outside, roaches are likely to be found under mulch, leaf or other organic debris piles, and garbage. Keep all of these things away from your home to discourage a roach invasion.

Roaches can get into your home by being carried in on boxes, bags, or luggage. They may also crawl in looking for food. Keep doors closed when not in use. Seal cracks and holes around your foundation. Keep food cleaned up and tightly sealed in sturdy containers, and keep floors clean of crumbs. In particularly moist rooms, use a dehumidifier.

Cockroaches carry viruses and bacteria on their bodies, which can cause diarrhea and other more serious health concerns, including asthma attacks. If you think you have a roach problem, it’s time to call in the professionals at Adams Exterminating. We’ll identify which cockroach has invaded, how big the problem is, and how best to treat it. Contact us to learn more about our residential pest control solutions.