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Why Do Wasps Choose My Home?

Paper Wasp on its nest.

When paper wasp nests appear on your home year after year, it can feel like those wasps are targeting you and only you but you can take some solace in the fact that your home is probably not much more attractive to wasps than your neighbor's is. Let's take a quick look at some things that lure wasps in and see if there is anything you can do about them.

Wasp Attractants

  • Paper wasps prefer to live on a home that has more food options available. In fall, these stinging pests prefer protein. They get it from eating bugs. The more bugs you have in your yard, the more likely you are to have a wasp nest develop. Therefore, the first line of defense against wasps is a good pest control plan in general.
  • All pests need a drink, and wasps are no exception. If you have moisture conditions near your foundation, wasps will take notice. You can prevent moisture problems by fixing any leaking pipes, spigots, or hoses that are near your home. Trim bushes and trees to allow the sun to dry up rainwater. And loosen compacted soil that allows rainwater to pool.
  • In fall, wasps turn from proteins to sweets as their primary food choice. This will have them focusing on the nectar of flowers, berry bushes, and any fruit that has fallen to the ground. But, these food options may be interesting to wasps in spring as well. Reducing flowers and plants in your yard will reduce all pests, including wasps, but it probably isn't preferable.
  • Paper wasps love building their nests under rooflines. There isn't a whole lot you can do to change this feature of your home. Visit here to know more about types of wasps in Texas.

Wasp Control

When it comes to controlling wasps, there isn't a lot you can do to make your home less attractive, so one option is to remove nests when they start to develop or use pesticides to get rid of a fully developed nest. But the use of insecticides can be more harmful than having wasps around. It is best to have a pest control technician deal with wasps as part of an ongoing pest control service plan.

At Adams Exterminating Company, wasp and hornet control is just one of the services we provide in our year-round pest control packages. Request a free home estimate and find out which package will work best for your home. Wasps can be irritating pests to have around, but they are not the worst pests to have around. Get essential protection from pest threats with residential pest control from Adams. Need help with wasp control in McKinney, call us today.