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What To Do About Carpenter Ants On Your McKinney Property

Serving Families Throughout North Texas

Carpenter ants get their name from their impressive nesting skills. These ants differ from other pest ants mainly because they are larger by nature and have a distinguished heart-shaped head. Carpenter ants vary in size from ½ inch to ⅝ inch in length, are black, red, or a combination of both. Their bodies are segmented and oval; they have six legs and antennae. A common misconception is that carpenter ants eat wood. However, they actually only chew and tunnel their way through the wood to create their nests.

The Dangers Of Carpenter Ants In Your McKinney Home

No one wants to find themselves face to face with a carpenter ant infestation. The damage that these destructive pests can cause can be devastating financially for homeowners across the country. Carpenter ant colonies contain ten to twenty thousand worker ants, one queen ant, and 50,000 individual carpenter ants. They tunnel through wood to make their nests, and over time these habits can seriously compromise the integrity of the structure of your home. The presence of carpenter ants also indicates a potential moisture problem in your home. Where there is moisture in your home, many potential problems are waiting to occur; from other pest infestations to rotting wood. 

In addition to the physical damage carpenter ants can cause, they can also pose a potential health risk to you and your family. Unlike other pest ants, carpenter ants do not carry disease; however, they are still attracted to food sources in your home. When carpenter ants raid your pantry, they leave behind pheromones that can attract other pest ants that carry disease into your home. Other species of ants can carry E. coli, salmonellosis, streptococcus, and staphylococcus.

How To Keep Carpenter Ants From Invading Your Home

Knowing what attracts carpenter ants is important for McKinney residents to stop an infestation before it starts. Where do these ants come from, and how do they gain access to your home? Is there anything you can do to deter them from chewing their way through your house? Follow these simple tips, and you could save yourself the headache of finding yourself with a carpenter ant problem:

  • Store firewood well away from your home. Carpenter ants love wood, and they love moisture. What better outdoor nesting spot for these ants than your stack of firewood. Keeping it stacked well away from your home makes it harder for them to find their way inside.
  • Inspect the exterior of your home often. Look for cracks and crevices that need to be sealed so carpenter ants can’t get inside. Use caulking to seal any cracks or holes. Replace torn screens and weather stripping around doors and windows to ensure a proper seal. Last, look for areas of moisture that could attract these destructive pests.
  • Maintain your property and keep it clear of clutter and debris. Keeping a well-maintained yard will cut down on possible nesting spots. Trim back hedges and clean up any yard debris as carpenter ants love rotting wood. 
  • Contact Adams Exterminating Company for professional assistance if you find yourself with a carpenter ant problem. 

What’s The First Step In Treating A Carpenter Ant Infestation?

At the first sign of a possible carpenter ant infestation, do not waste time trying to rid these troublesome pests yourself. Call the professionals at Adams Exterminating Company immediately. We will do a thorough inspection of your property and devise a solution that meets your needs. Call to request our no-obligation estimate and take the stress and worry away along with the pests. 

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