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How To Keep The Mosquitoes In Lewisville From Biting

Mosquito drinking blood from someone's skin.

We all know the warnings about getting a mosquito bite, but the itching is the least of our worries. These vector pests can transmit diseases to their hosts when they bite, which puts us at risk for various adverse health conditions. That’s why it’s important to secure professional pest control in Lewisville.
The first step is identifying these pests, so let’s go over their basic characteristics. Mosquitoes are grayish-silver in color with bluish-green scales and veins. They measure around ½ inch in length, with thin bodies, two wings, and three pairs of long legs. They have antennae as well as an elongated “mouth” sticking out from their heads, called a proboscis. It’s typically three to four times longer than the mosquito’s head. 

The Life Cycle Of The Common Lewisville Mosquito

It’s essential to know about the life cycle of the common Lewisville mosquito to understand the development of mosquitoes and subsequent infestation. Mosquitoes go through four main life stages: the egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Read on to learn more about each stage.

  • Egg – Mosquitoes lay their eggs on the surface of standing water sources. Eggs hatch into larvae in about two days.
  • Larva – Once the eggs hatch, larvae live in the water and breathe by accessing air at the water's surface. Larvae eat organic matter in the water until they molt numerous times and develop into pupa.
  • Pupa – This stage of development is similar to a caterpillar’s stage in its cocoon. They stay in their pupal skin for a couple of days until it splits open, and they become an adult.
  • Adult – Adult mosquitoes emerge from the pupal skin and rest on the water’s surface to dry and spread their wings to prepare for flight. A few days after emerging, they feed and look for a mate.

After that, the cycle begins again. It can take around eight to ten days for an entire life cycle to take place, which is the journey from egg to adult.

Do Cats And Dogs Get Bit By Mosquitoes?

Household pets can be bitten by mosquitoes. Some people think they’re protected if they have a thick layer of fur, but the truth is, many mosquitoes can piece the skin beneath the fur and expose cats and dogs to vector-borne illness, just like they do to humans. One of the most common parasites that household pets pick up from mosquito bites is heartworm, which can be a serious condition for our beloved cats and dogs. To protect your household pets from mosquitoes, it’s a good idea to work with your veterinarian and come up with a plan moving forward.

Tips For Keeping Mosquitoes Away From Your Yard

If you want to be proactive in your mosquito prevention efforts, you can take some preventative measures. Here are some tips for keeping mosquitoes away from your yard:

  • If possible, wear long sleeves and long pants outdoors to reduce exposure to mosquitoes.
  • Install window and door screens, or if you already have them, make sure there are no holes or tears.
  • Eliminate all sources of standing water, as this is where mosquitoes lay their eggs.
  • Wear insect repellent and permethrin or DEET-treated clothing when spending time outdoors.

When it comes to effective mosquito control and prevention, the best thing you can do is secure professional protection.

How To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes On Your Lewisville Property

Here at Adams Exterminating Company, we deal with your mosquito problems, so you don’t have to. Our pest experts know how to correctly identify the problem and then come up with a targeted treatment specific to your property and your situation. Call us today to discuss your mosquito control needs. Only regular services from the pest professionals can guarantee the year-round protection that you deserve.