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Expert Advice On Tick Control In Plano

Deer tick crawling on a leaf.

There’s one word that can be used to sum up ticks - parasites. These creepy, crawly creatures might be small, but they can cause serious health complications. By using tick control in Plano, you may be able to prevent ticks from endangering your health.

What Ticks Live In Plano?

In Plano, there are two common types of ticks. First, there are deer ticks. These are also referred to as black-legged ticks. Due to their small size, deer ticks are difficult to see. When they start feeding on a host, they become larger. Like all other arachnids, these ticks have eight legs.
The second type of tick in the area is the lone star tick. These ticks are easy to identify because they have a large white dot in the center of their back. They are reddish-brown, but some males are dark brown.
Both species of ticks live in wooded areas or areas with high grass. They climb onto a host and latch themselves on. Then, they begin feeding off the blood of the host. When they’re done, they unlatch themselves and wait in the leaves or grass for a new host. Although they can walk for short distances, ticks prefer to wait for a host to approach. They latch on again and continue feeding.

The Dangers of Ticks

No one wants a parasite attached to them. However, the inconvenience of having a parasite on you isn’t the main reason you don’t want ticks around. Ticks also have the potential to spread diseases.

While not every tick bite results in a disease, some do. Deer ticks can carry Lyme disease, babesiosis, and anaplasmosis. Meanwhile, lone star ticks can carry tularemia and ehrlichiosis. Each disease has its own symptoms, but you should be on the lookout for the following:

  • Full body rash
  • Red spot
  • Centralized rash around a bite
  • Neck soreness
  • Headache
  • Weakness

You might know you’ve been bitten by a tick because you find an engorged tick on you. But this isn’t always the case. Some tick bites happen without the host knowing. Your only indication that you were bitten by a tick may be the symptoms of a tick-borne disease.

How to Prevent Ticks

Ticks are brought into your yard by other pests. Therefore, you can reduce the tick population in your yard by reducing the wildlife.

You can accomplish this by following these tips:

1. Mow Your Lawn

Tall grass attracts wildlife and is also a great hiding spot for ticks. By keeping your grass short, you may prevent ticks from infringing on your property.

2. Clean Up Yard Debris

The more debris in your yard, the more likely it is that ticks will be in your yard. If you have leaves on your lawn or in your garden beds, rake them up. Clean up any hedge trimmings as soon as you cut them. Finally, don’t leave old appliances or dead logs in your yard.

3. Protect Your Pets

Although wildlife could bring ticks onto your property, pets can do the same. Unless your pets have tick protection, they might be hosts for ticks. They can not only bring them into your yard, also but into your home. Speak to your veterinarian about using a tick and flea preventative and you can protect your home.

4. Work With A Professional

There’s no way to guarantee that your preventative efforts will work. After all, how can you be certain that you don’t have wildlife in your yard? For the best results, you should work with a professional. They can use proven methods to keep ticks away from your property.

For more advice or assistance, contact Adams Exterminating Company. We’re ready to help you.