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How To Keep House Centipedes Out Of Your Frisco, TX Home

up close image of a crawling centipede

House centipedes are some of the most bizarre-looking pests to infest American homes. With more than a dozen appendages and rail-thin bodies, they look like something straight out of sci-fi. These predatory pests can help keep other house-dwelling bugs in check, but no matter how helpful they may be, nobody wants these freaky critters around. Here’s what you need to know to keep house centipedes out of your Frisco home.

What Are House Centipedes?

House centipedes are commonly found wherever there is high moisture. They are known to infest basements, bathrooms, crawlspaces, and even potted plants in the home. House centipedes generally leave few signs of their presence compared to other pests, but their appearance is unmistakable.

The average house centipede is yellowish-brown with dark stripes or markings on its body. They usually have at least 15 pairs of legs, but some specimens may have nearly 100. While the worm-like body of a house centipede is positioned close to the ground, its legs extend above it. House centipedes can be anywhere from a tiny 1/8 inch to over a whopping 6 inches in size.

House centipedes can travel at breakneck speed, able to run at a brisk 1.3 feet per second. They will generally disappear in a flash if disturbed, using their swift running ability to escape. However, house centipedes are venomous and can deliver a painful bite if provoked. A bite from a larger specimen is said to be at least as painful as a bee sting, so handling these pests is not at all advised.

House centipedes are most active at night or in low-lit areas. While they aren’t known to spread disease or destroy property, they do pose a risk of biting you and your family and can be a constant nuisance in your home.

What Attracts House Centipedes?

Moist, humid areas around the home are attractive to house centipedes. Couple that with an existing infestation of prey insects like cockroaches, and you’ve got the perfect environment for a full-fledged house centipede infestation. Excess moisture from dripping pipes and faucets or just general dampness from humid air can create centipede-friendly conditions.

If you mistake ignoring an existing prey insect infestation, you could be inviting spiders, centipedes, scorpions, and other predatory pests to your property. And while a leaky faucet or a humid basement might not seem important, allowing moisture issues to persist can attract a wide swath of pests, as well.

How To Prevent House Centipedes

While house centipedes are hard to live with, preventing them is straightforward and easy. You can keep house centipedes from infesting your home by following these tips:

  • Reduce moisture: Fix any leaks around the home causing water to pool, whether in the kitchen, bathroom, or basement. Ventilate basement areas by opening windows and running electric fans.
  • Seal entrances: Prevent house centipedes from entering your home by closing off any entry points. Examine your foundation for cracks and seal with silicone caulk. Replace any damaged doors sweeps or weather stripping.
  • Control other pests: Simply cleaning up around the house and taking out the trash regularly can have a huge impact on the presence of bugs that centipedes prey on. Be sure to often wipe down floors and countertops to eliminate crumbs and spills and store pantry foods in sturdy containers with locking lids. 

If your house centipede problem is getting out of hand, call Adams Exterminating Company today. Our residential pest control plans provide effective solutions for a wide variety of pests. For as little as $30 per month, you’ll get comprehensive protection against house centipedes and the bugs they eat. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you!