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5 Tricks to Get Wildlife Out of Your Home

Serving Families Throughout North Texas
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Identifying the presence of wildlife in your home is the first crucial step in addressing the problem. Common indicators include droppings, nests, and noises. Droppings can vary in size and shape depending on the type of animal, with rodent droppings being small and pellet-like, while raccoon droppings are larger and tubular.

Nests made of shredded materials like paper, leaves, or insulation are another telltale sign. Noises such as scratching, scurrying, or chirping, especially at night, can indicate the presence of animals like mice, rats, or birds. Each type of wildlife leaves distinct signs, so knowing what to look for can help you identify the intruder more accurately.

How Can I Get Wildlife Out Of My Home?

Professional Inspection

Sometimes, the signs of wildlife presence are not immediately obvious, or the situation may be too complex for DIY methods. In such cases, calling a wildlife control expert is advisable. A professional inspection can provide a thorough assessment of the situation, identifying not just the type of wildlife but also the extent of the infestation and potential entry points. During a professional inspection, experts will use specialized equipment and their experience to locate and identify the intruders. This step is crucial for developing an effective removal and prevention plan.

Live Trapping

Live trapping is one of the most humane methods for removing wildlife from your home. This technique involves using traps that capture animals without harming them, allowing for their safe relocation. There are various types of live traps available, including cage traps and box traps, each suited for different types of wildlife. When setting traps, it's essential to follow legal considerations and regulations, as some areas have specific laws regarding the trapping and relocation of certain animals. Always check local guidelines to ensure compliance and humane treatment.

Exclusion Methods

Exclusion methods are another effective and humane way to remove wildlife from your home. These techniques involve using one-way doors and exclusion funnels that allow animals to leave but prevent them from re-entering. Once the wildlife has exited, it's crucial to seal all entry points to prevent future intrusions. Common entry points include gaps in the roof, vents, and cracks in the foundation. Using materials like steel mesh, caulk, and weatherstripping can effectively seal these openings. Exclusion methods not only remove the current intruders but also help in long-term prevention.

Preventing Future Intrusions From Wildlife

Sealing Entry Points

Preventing future wildlife intrusions starts with sealing entry points. Common entry points include gaps around doors and windows, holes in the roof, and cracks in the foundation. To effectively seal these openings, you'll need materials like steel mesh, caulk, and weatherstripping. It's essential to conduct a thorough inspection of your home to identify all potential entry points. Once identified, use the appropriate materials to seal them securely. Regularly inspecting and maintaining these seals can help ensure that your home remains wildlife-free.

Yard and Home Maintenance

Maintaining a clean and well-kept yard is another critical step in preventing wildlife intrusions. Overgrown vegetation, piles of leaves, and unkempt gardens can attract wildlife looking for food and shelter. Regularly mowing the lawn, trimming bushes, and removing debris can make your yard less inviting to animals.

Additionally, keeping trash bins sealed and storing pet food indoors can reduce attractants. Regular home inspections and maintenance, such as checking for new entry points and repairing any damage, are also essential in keeping wildlife at bay.

Using Barriers and Fencing

Installing barriers and fencing can provide an additional layer of protection against wildlife intrusions. Various types of barriers, such as steel mesh and hardware cloth, can be used to cover vents, chimneys, and other openings. Fencing materials like chain-link or electric fences can be installed around vulnerable areas like gardens or chicken coops. When installing barriers and fencing, ensure they are properly secured and extend underground to prevent animals from burrowing underneath. These physical barriers can be highly effective in keeping wildlife out of your home and yard.

Risks of Wildlife in Your Home

Having wildlife in your home poses several safety and health risks. Many animals carry diseases and parasites that can be transmitted to humans and pets. For example, rodents can carry hantavirus, while raccoons can transmit rabies. Wildlife can also cause structural damage by chewing through wires, insulation, and wood, leading to potential fire hazards. Understanding these risks underscores the importance of addressing wildlife intrusions promptly and effectively to protect your family's health and safety.

Contact Our Professionals at Adams Exterminating

Dealing with wildlife intrusions can be challenging, but with the right knowledge and techniques, you can effectively address the problem. Identifying the intruder, using humane removal methods, and taking preventive measures are key steps in managing wildlife in your home.

Contact us today to learn more about our wildlife control solutions and how we can assist you in keeping your home wildlife-free. (940) 239-9786

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