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Frisco’s Ultimate Springtail Control Guide

Springtail walking over rock

Are those fleas hopping around your basement? When it comes to springtails, it’s not uncommon for folks to mistake them for bloodsucking parasites. And while springtails won’t suck your blood, their ability to infest homes and businesses in huge numbers can still cause panic. If you’ve got springtails causing problems on your Frisco property, here’s what you need to know about springtail control in Frisco.

What Are Springtails?

Springtails are tiny insects with big jumping power. There are many species of springtail present in the United States, but on average, springtails measure about 1/16 of an inch in length and have a brown or black color. They have six legs and a segmented, oblong body. But they also have a secret weapon. 

A special appendage on the underside of their body called a furcula gives springtails the ability to leap tremendous distances when threatened. Like a spring-loaded catapult, the furcula propels springtails away at the first sign of danger. 

This leaping behavior combined with their small size often causes springtails to be mistaken for fleas. In fact, some springtails are even known as snowfleas because of their ability to survive cold temperatures. But springtails are actually different from fleas, particularly in the danger they present.

Are Springtails Dangerous?

Springtails are not particularly dangerous. They don’t bite, sting, or feed on blood, nor are they known to spread disease. They don’t even pose any structural dangers to properties. The only danger of having springtails is the distress of having a large infestation.

Springtail infestations are often massive in size with hundreds or even thousands of individuals present. Springtails thrive in areas with high moisture and humidity. In the wild, you can find them around rotting logs, decaying leaves, and damp soil. Indoors, these pests can be found in places like basements and bathrooms, but are also likely to gather around swimming pools and air conditioners that drip excess condensation. 

Because they are so small and so numerous, efforts to eliminate springtails can be a waste of time and money. Despite your best attempts to eliminate them, even a few surviving springtails can repopulate the area in a short amount of time.

How to Prevent Springtails

Although they might be difficult to get rid of, preventing springtails can be a piece of cake. You just need to make a few adjustments to make your property less hospitable to these annoying pests. Some simple ways to prevent springtails include:

  • Reducing moisture levels – Check for any dripping pipes, faucets, or spigots around your property and repair as needed. If you have any moldy or mildewed flooring, be sure to replace it. Keep basement areas ventilated by regularly opening windows and running electric fans, or try installing a dehumidifier. 
  • Minding your house plants – Once indoors, springtails can use the moist soil of potted plants to reproduce exponentially. Try to avoid lichen or moss-based soils for your plants as these are especially attractive to springtails. Allow soil to dry out completely before watering to discourage springtails from breeding.
  • Doing some yard work – Check your yard for any moist, decaying organic debris that could attract springtails. Get rid of any wet leaves, rotting logs, or mulch to discourage springtails from inhabiting your property.

If you have any questions or concerns with springtails on your Frisco property, contact Adams Exterminating Company for assistance. With reliable residential and commercial pest control options, we can get rid of the springtails infesting your home or business safely and effectively. We’ve been tackling pest problems in North Texas for over 70 years and no bug is too small or too crafty for us. Get in touch with us today for your free estimate.