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Frisco’s Comprehensive Guide to Yellow Jacket Control

yellow jacket on a brown piece of wood

Most insects don’t have a positive reputation, flying ones especially. They take people by surprise with their sudden arrival and irritate folks with their incessant swarming. This is just the beginning, as many can cause great harm to humans. For instance, you have to keep watch over your picnic food or barbecue, because flies can spread germs if they land on it. Mosquitoes can transmit diseases when they bite you and suck your blood. Bees and wasps can emit toxic venom when they sting you.

“Wasp” is generally a catch-all term for multiple stinging bugs, including yellow jackets. Yellowjackets help the environment through pollination and eating up other critters, but the majority of Frisco residents don’t want them around. Learn how you can prevent them, and with assistance from Adams Exterminating Company.

The Appearance, Behavior, & Risks of Yellowjackets

Yellowjackets in Frisco are often black and yellow, which is why people assume they are bees. These insects have less body hair and thinner waists, though. Additionally, some are white and black. Their wings go past their 3/8 to 5/8 of an inch body length.
Nectar, sweets, meat, and other insects are what yellowjackets consume to survive. As such, residential and commercial properties can be attractive to these flying bugs. You’ll find them around trash cans, grills, and gardens. Porches, decks, steps, and near attics are ideal nesting spots for them, with their paper-like creations. Cracks in sidewalks and building foundations work for them too. They fancy being near the ground level, such as in a tree base. However, they won’t turn down branches or shrubs if they’re available. Once they take to a higher location and you see an aerial nest, you certainly have an infestation.
If you get stung by a yellowjacket, you’ll experience redness, swelling, pain, itching, and warmth. Those who are allergic to yellowjacket venom will have a more dire reaction. These pests can quickly sting lots of times. If this happens with or without an allergy you could develop the following symptoms:

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Flushed skin
  • Fainting
  • Convulsions
  • Respiratory problems
  • Kidney issues
  • Cardio-respiratory arrest
  • Inflammation of the brain, nerves, or blood vessels

Preventing Yellowjackets

The key to keeping yellowjackets away is cutting off their food and nesting sources. Therefore, you’ll have to prioritize lawn care, building maintenance, and exterior cleaning. It’s not as challenging to execute precautionary measures as it may seem. Chances are, you may be doing these next steps already:

  • Groom lowers, plants, shrubs, and bushes regularly.
  • Place all gardens and greenery  two feet or more from your building.
  • Remove trash, debris, and rotting organic matter from your lawn.
  • Dead leaves are an example.
  • Clean your vents and gutters often.
  • Fit garbage cans with tight-fitting lids.
  • Try not to leave food on your patio or deck, and routinely clean these spaces.
  • Seal crevices and openings around doors, windows, and foundations.
  • Call Adams Exterminating Company if you have issues with insets yellowjackets prey on.

Adams Exterminating Company Yellowjacket Management

You might think you can remove a yellowjacket nest on your own, but you’d be sorely mistaken. Even if a shell seems like it’s empty, you don’t want to play with fire. Trying to swat or scare these bugs off is a bad idea too. Agitating them or disturbing their nests could have dangerous consequences.
By contacting your Frisco, TX pest professionals at Adams Exterminating Company for your yellowjacket problems, you’ll be ensuring these pests are safely eliminated. Our seasoned technicians have the skills and tools to properly dismantle a nest, and treat lawns and foundations. You won’t have to fret about ruined vegetation or hazardous chemical exposure. You can trust us, as we’ve been in business for over 70 years. Call today!