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Little-Known Ways To Keep Silverfish Out Of Your Lewisville Home

Silverfish crawling on a white painted wall.

Do you know what a silverfish looks like? Today, we're talking about why it is so important to know what a silverfish looks like, and more importantly, how a silverfish behaves.

Is It A Silverfish?

There are lots of insects that can get into your home. They all have six legs, three body parts, and almost all have two antennae. This can make it hard to figure out which insect you're dealing with. And just in case the question has popped into your head, millipedes, centipedes, and other multi-legged critters are not insects. They're arthropods. If you have silverfish, here are the characteristics that make them different from other insects:

  • A silverfish can be as large as ⅝ of an inch long.
  • It has a silver or brown exoskeleton.
  • Its exoskeleton looks like armor.
  • It has two long antennae on its head.
  • It has three long appendages on the end of its abdomen that look like antennae (or you may think their legs).
  • It has a teardrop shape or you might think it looks like a cat-fish.

Silverfish Babies

Silverfish always look like silverfish. They don't go through a caterpillar or maggot stage and don't have nymphs that look entirely different than the adults. With silverfish, what you get is what you get. But silverfish nymphs are much smaller than the adult. It may look like a tiny little speck running across your floor. This can make it more difficult to see the visual characteristics mentioned above. You may need magnification. Try to capture that little guy with some sticky tape, and take a closer look.

Why Is It Important To Properly Identify Silverfish?

Silverfish don't bite or sting and they are not linked to the spread of diseases, but boy can they do a lot of little damage inside your home. They feed on clothing, drapes, linens, blankets, photos, documents, books, wallpaper, and more. They can also get into your food. They probably enjoy eating paper packages as much as the foods inside. They are particularly drawn to paper packages that are in a damp or humid location. You're most likely to find them in sugar, flour, cake mixes, grains, and candy.

The Secret To Keeping Silverfish Out

Now that you know how to identify them and why it is so important to identify them, here are some little-known ways to keep them out of your Lewisville home:

  • Reduce moisture around your home. Silverfish are strongly attracted to areas of moisture.
  • Remove organic debris that is next to your home, like leaves, grass clippings, and sticks.
  • Move woodpiles away from your exterior.
  • Seal any entry points you can find in your foundation walls or the exterior of your home.
  • Use oils to control aphids in your landscaping. Not only do aphids damage your plants, they provide a food source for silverfish and other pests.
  • Add dehumidifiers and fans to humid areas inside your home.
  • If you have a fan in your bathroom, make sure to use it when you take a shower or bath. This will vent the moisture that can make your bathroom the perfect environment for silverfish. The last thing you probably want is silverfish eating remnants of toothpaste off the bristles of your toothbrush while you sleep.

What To Do About Silverfish

Are you curious as to whether or not your Lewisville home is at risk for a silverfish infestation? Do you need a silverfish infestation checked out? At Adams Exterminating Company, we provide a free home pest control estimate. We can take a look at your home and let you know what pest pressures you're dealing with and what pest control methods will work best to address them. Reach out to us today for immediate assistance.