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The Secret To Keeping Spiders Out Of Your Plano Home

Wolf Spider crawling on sand.

One of the most common pest sightings in Plano homes is the spider. However, just because they are common home-invaders that can even kill other pests, it doesn’t mean you want spiders in your home. They can build webs, produce painful bites, and some are even dangerous to humans. As such, if you want to keep spiders out of your Plano home, you need to know some basic spider prevention techniques. After all, it’s your home, not the spiders. 

Identifying Common Area Spiders

While most spiders you encounter in your home are harmless, the two most dangerous spiders in the United States are found right here in Plano. Therefore, it helps to be able to identify them. Some of the spiders you might come across in your home include orb weavers, wolf spiders, brown recluses, and black widows. 

Orb weavers can vary in size and color, so the easiest way to identify them is by identifying the circular webs that they create. While not dangerous, orb weavers are known to bite if they feel threatened, so try not to handle them if possible.

Wolf spiders derive their names from the fact that they do not build webs at all, but rather hunt for their prey. They are dark brown in color, and they often feature lighter-brown or yellow markings. Wolf spiders can grow to be over an inch long. Despite their larger size, wolf spiders are not dangerous to humans, although they will bite if they feel threatened.

Brown recluses, as their name might suggest, are brown in color. Additionally, they feature a dark brown, violin-like shape on their abdomens. Brown recluses are considered to be dangerous, so avoid handling them at all costs. Additionally, while they aren't immediately painful or known to be fatal, a recluse bite can induce serious necrotic tissue infection, so if you're bitten, seek medical attention right away.

Black widows grow to be a ¼ of an inch long and are predominantly black in color. The females feature a red hourglass figure on their abdomens which makes them easily identifiable. Additionally, it is only the females that bite, so if you see the red hourglass, exercise caution. Black widows are considered to be the most dangerous spider in the United States. Although uncommon, bites from black widows have been known to cause death in certain instances. Therefore, be sure to seek medical attention ASAP if you have been bitten by a black widow.

Spider Prevention Tips

Because spiders rely on other pests for food, the best method for keeping spiders out of your home is by practicing basic pest prevention techniques. These techniques include:

  • Storing all food in air-tight containers or the fridge.
  • Wiping up any spills from countertops or floors promptly.
  • Taking out the trash regularly.
  • Storing trash in bins with tight-fitting lids.
  • Fixing any leaky pipes or fixtures in your home.
  • Using dehumidifiers to keep moisture levels in your home to a minimum.

In addition to these basic pest prevention techniques, there are some more elaborate spider prevention measures that you can take to ensure you are protected from these eight-legged pests. These include:

  • Wiping away any webs as you come across them.
  • Keeping attics, crawlspaces, and basements free of clutter and debris.
  • Storing woodpiles away from the exterior of your home.
  • Sealing any cracks in the foundation of your home.
  • Installing door sweeps and screens in exterior doors and windows.
  • Installing weatherstripping around windows and exterior doors.

For More Spider Prevention Advice & Assistance

If you have any further questions regarding spider prevention, or if you require assistance with spiders around your home, contact the professionals here at Adams Exterminating right away. Not only will we help you eliminate any spiders from your home, but we will also work with you to better protect your house from future infestations. Don’t let spiders take over your Plano home: give us a call today!