Blow Flies

Brief Overview of Blow Flies
The blow fly or “bottle fly” is a very common species of fly and is found living all over the world. There are approximately 80 species of blow flies living in North America. Blow flies are usually the first species of insect to come into contact with carrion. Blow fly females lay their eggs on deceased animals, which their larvae use as a food source.
What Do Blow Flies Look Like?
The adult blow fly grows slightly larger than the very common housefly; between 1/8th and 5/8th of an inch in length. They can be metallic green, blue, black, or bronze in color; their very metallic appearance is often what helps to identify this species of fly. The blow fly’s worm-like larvae (maggots) are pale yellow to white in color. Their back end is larger and rounder than their tapered head; they have hook-like mouthparts and are eyeless and legless.
Where Am I Likely to See Blow Flies?
Blow flies are found outside gathering in groups around animal carcasses, animal feces, garbage piles, and piles of decaying vegetation. They are usually the first creature to infect a dead body or piece of decaying meat. Blow flies can also be found inside invading spaces found behind walls, underneath floors, or in crawl spaces, if an animal has found their way into your home and has died within its walls.
Are Blow Flies Dangerous?
Yes, blow flies are considered to be a very dangerous species of pest to have living inside or around your home. These flies land on feces, dead animals, and other decaying organic matter causing them to carry a lot of dangerous bacteria and parasites around with them on their legs and body. When inside a home they will spread the bacteria around your home as they land on its surfaces. Blowflies can spread bacteria that can cause severe diarrhea and cholera, along with other serious pathogens that can cause severe health consequences in people.
How Do I Get Rid of Blow Flies?
The most effective way to eliminate blow flies from your property is to contact a professional pest control expert at the first sign of their presence on your North Texas property. The professionals at Adams Exterminating Company have the experience needed to eliminate a blow fly infestation through our affordable, effective, modern residential or commercial pest management services. Contact us today for more information about our blow fly control services and/or for a free quote!