Indian Meal Moths

Brief overview of Indian meal moths
Indian meal moths are a common type of pantry pest; this means that they are typically found invading and feeding on dry goods found in kitchen and pantry areas. These pests are attracted to light and can be found throughout the entire world living anywhere that food is being stored.
What Do Indian Meal Moths Look Like?
From wing tip to wing tip adult Indian meal moths grow to about 5/8th of an inch in length; their body is about ¾ of an inch in length. Their unique looking wings have a dark band that separates the front of the wing from the back of the wing. The front half of the wing is yellowish-gray in color, while the back half is bronze, copper, or dark gray in color. Their larvae grow to be about ½ of an inch and can be off-white, brown, greenish, or pinkish in color; their head and thorax are a more yellowish-brown color.
Where Am I Likely to See Indian Meal Moths?
Adult Indian meal moths are attracted to light and often enter homes and other buildings through gaps found around windows and doors. Once inside the adults will lay their eggs in food sources that they gain access to; Indian meal moths can become a huge concern inside food processing and storage facilities. The larvae can be found feeding on dry items like dried fruits, grains, seeds, granola, graham crackers, nuts, chocolate, candies, birdseed, dog food, flour, powdered milk, dried red peppers, and chocolate. Indian meal moths most often find their way inside of homes when products purchased from a grocery or other stores are already in infested with their larvae.
Are Indian Meal Moths Dangerous?
Indian meal moths are not a dangerous pest; they do not bite or sting and aren’t known for causing serious health risks to people. However, having an Indian meal moth infestation in your home means that the food sources they have invaded are contaminated and will need to be thrown out. Indian meal moths in your home should be eliminated as quickly as possible in order to minimize damage to your family’s pantry items.
How Do I Get Rid of Indian Meal Moths?
The most effective way to eliminate Indian meal moths from your property is to contact a professional pest control expert serving the DFW Metro at the first sign of their presence in your North Texas property. The professionals found at Adams Exterminating Company have the experience needed to completely eliminate an Indian meal moth infestation through our affordable, effective, modern residential pest control solutions. Contact us today for more information about our residential pest control services and/or for a free quote!
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