Scorpion Control Made Simple For Frisco Homeowners
When the sun goes down, scorpions come out to hunt. If you don't want them hunting on your property, there are a few ways you can deter them. Join us today as we discuss common scorpions in Frisco, how concerned you should be when you find them in your yard, and how to alter conditions on your property to get rid of scorpions. When more control is needed, it is time to seek out Frisco pest control. If you like learning about the pests on your property and uncovering cool tips, read on. If you'd prefer to have a licensed pest professional inspect your property, evaluate the conditions, and offer suggestions, call us. The service team at Adams Exterminating Company has a lot of experience. We can help you over the phone or set you up with a free home estimate. With that said, let's dig in and look at some helpful facts about the scorpions in Frisco.
The Different Kinds Of Scorpions In Frisco
Many scorpion species are found in Frisco. These scorpions are cataloged by state agencies and entomologists. There is much we could say about these species, but there are only a few simple facts you need to know in order to guard yourself against scorpions in your yard and prevent them from entering your home.
- The most common scorpion pest in Frisco is the striped bark scorpion. It is important to understand that our striped bark scorpions are not the same as the Arizona bark scorpion, a highly venomous scorpion that prefers arid climates. Those scorpions are found in West Texas and throughout Arizona. While striped bark scorpions have venom, it is not nearly as toxic as the venom of an Arizona bark scorpion.
- Bark scorpions climb trees, scale exterior walls, and slip into homes through tiny gaps. They are common indoor pests and are considered the most widespread scorpion species in the United States.
- Most scorpion species hide under rocks in our yards and rarely enter homes. Only the bark scorpion will scale your exterior walls. You can guard against a scorpion sting by wearing gloves while working on a project in your yard, or while managing your landscaping.
- You can guard against scorpion stings by wearing footwear in your yard, taking precautions when lifting objects, and using a black light at night to check for these pests. They glow under black light.
There are several American scorpions, but none are quite like the bark scorpion. You'll have to take greater measures to keep these pests out of your Frisco home or contact Adams Exterminating Company for an ongoing pest control service plan that includes the management of scorpions.

Why Choose Adams Exterminating?
Our team brings a deep understanding of insect biology and behavior to create targeted pest control strategies. We're equipped with the latest techniques and technologies to effectively eliminate pests.
Recognizing that each space is different, we customize pest control services for every home or business. Our approach involves targeted solutions, addressing specific needs for your environment.
With a legacy dating back to 1947, our pest control company brings decades of experience with a proven track record to keep your space critter-free.
As a locally owned business with offices in both Denton and Lewisville, we are rooted in the community and dedicated to serving our neighbors with personalized service.
How Bad Is It To Have Scorpions In My Yard?
Overall, scorpions in Frisco aren't a major concern. There are an estimated 1,500 known species of scorpions in the world, only around 25 are considered lethal to humans. None of these 25 scorpions live in our area. Our scorpions are painful pests, for sure, but they're not likely to send you to the hospital. We do, however, recommend watching for symptoms of concern, such as tingling in your tongue and shortness of breath. When symptoms other than localized pain present themselves, seek medical attention.
Along with having mild venom, there is another reason you need not fear the scorpions in your Frisco yard. There are many precautions you can take to guard against scorpion stings. When you are mindful of your surroundings and prepared for what might lurk under the board you are about to turn over in your yard, you can avoid stings.
While not a medical threat, it is best to keep scorpions out of your yard if you can. They present a danger to you, your kids, and your pets. Let's look at a few ways you can alter conditions on your property to reduce the risk of having a dangerous scorpion sting you in your yard.
How To Remove Factors That Attract Scorpions