The Ultimate Mosquito Prevention Guide For Dallas Properties
We depend upon guides as we go throughout the day. As we travel to work or to run errands, there are road signs to direct us. When we come home after a long day and want to watch mindless television, we look through the channel listings on our smart TVs. When we purchase a product, we read through the information packet to understand how to assemble the item. If we didn't have guides to help us, we'd be lost as we travel and not know how to create or fix things.
We need guides for nearly everything, including Dallas mosquito control. Unfortunately, we have all been led astray or disappointed by someone or something that claimed to be a guide but didn't have the needed knowledge and experience. If mosquitoes stop you from enjoying a stroll around your house or prevent you from working outside, you need a guide with knowledge gleaned from decades of experience.
Adams Exterminating is the best company providing mosquito control near you that meets those requirements. We have stopped mosquitoes from ruining outdoor events and enjoyable evenings in yards since 1947. Our fourth-generation pest control company consists of trained entomologists, certified technicians, and a team of experienced office staff. We service over 10,000 homes and businesses, have an A+BBB rating, and have a Google rating of five stars. As you can see, we have the credentials to be the mosquito guide you need to conquer these pesky pests.
You probably found this article because you need relief from the overwhelming amount of mosquitoes on your Dallas property. So, please keep reading; we will give you the information you need to navigate and resolve your Mosquito problem.
The Role Mosquitoes Play In The Ecosystem
While it may be difficult to imagine, mosquitoes are necessary for the earth's ecosystem. Mosquitoes eat plant juices and nectar, which makes them accidental pollinators. When mosquitoes in Dallas visit a flower for nectar, pollen sticks to their six legs, which they then transfer to the stigma of another plant, thus fertilizing it; the fertilized stigma then produces seeds.
The next role of mosquitoes in the ecosystem sounds like revenge because most of us only experience them when they bite. So, it may please you to know that mosquitoes are prey for many species.
When a female mosquito bites, it is because she needs nutrients from blood to produce eggs. The mosquito then lays its eggs in containers of stagnant water or on the edges of lakes and ponds.
Goldfish, catfish, bass, bluegill, and guppies consume mosquito larvae when deposited in ponds and lakes. One particular fish, the Gambusia Affinis or mosquitofish, is particularly fond of mosquito larvae and is often used for mosquito control. Although they are not the main component of their diet, amphibians such as salamanders, toads, and frogs also eat mosquito larvae; tadpoles will also occasionally eat mosquitoes. While amphibians and fish eat mosquito larvae that fall into the water, the larvae in marshy areas and not yet in the water serve as food for reptiles like the red-eared slider turtle.
Other predators eat adult mosquitoes as they fly. Bats are infamous for their ability to scoop up mosquitoes and consume them in flight. Although reports that bats will eat 1,000 mosquitoes in an hour are highly exaggerated and based on a study done in an enclosed environment, there is no question that bats consume all mosquito varieties in large quantities.
Although bats are the only flying mammals that consume mosquitoes, dragonflies are an insect that hunts flying mosquitoes. Like the Gambusia Affinis, which has earned the nickname "mosquitofish" due to its heavy consumption of mosquito larvae, dragonflies are known as "mosquito hawks" due to their desire to eat mosquitoes.
Another animal that consumes flying mosquitoes is birds. Nighthawks are rockstars among mosquito-eating avians due to their bristle-lined mouths that enable them to scoop up mosquitoes as they soar through the air. Purple martins, Eastern bluebirds, warblers, Baltimore orioles, hummingbirds, and other avian species also consume mosquitoes.
Not only do insects, fish, amphibians, birds, and flying mammals eat mosquitoes, but spiders eat mosquitoes. Spiders will kill and consume mosquitoes caught in their webs because they are a rich nutritional source, especially the females who have recently had a blood meal. Jumping, orb weaver, wolf, krab, and fishing spiders are the most commonly known predators of mosquitoes.
As if it were not enough that bats, insects, spiders, fish, and amphibians are mosquito predators, some mosquitoes eat other mosquitoes. The toxorhynchites rutilus septentrionalis mosquito species prey on the Aedes species, which are the species that spread Zika, dengue, chikungunya, and other viruses.
You can add one more predator to the mosquito list: Adams Exterminating. Of course, we don't prey on mosquitoes for their nutritional value, but we attack mosquitoes for your protection. Our products are the best way to kill mosquitoes in the yard.
The Dangerous Diseases Mosquitoes Are Known To Spread
It is good that insects, spiders, birds, and other creatures are allies in the battle against mosquitoes because they carry diseases. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), mosquitoes are the deadliest animal in the world. Sadly, most deaths occur in third-world countries where people succumb to mosquito-spread malaria. The CDC reported that 619,000 people worldwide died, and another 27 million became ill in 2019 from malaria. Fortunately, malaria has not been a health problem in the United States since the 1950s, but that does not mean mosquitoes don't spread other diseases.
Mosquitos are vectors for these diseases in the Dallas area:
- West Nile virus
- Dengue
- Chikungunya
- Encephalitis
- Tularemia
To better guide you on your quest, let's briefly examine the symptoms of diseases you can get from mosquitoes.
The West Nile virus has gained significant media attention in our country. Although most people do not experience symptoms from a mosquito infected with this virus, about one in five will encounter headaches, body aches, joint pains, vomiting, diarrhea, or a rash. Sadly, this virus proves fatal in about 1% of individuals.
About 75% of individuals infected with the dengue virus will not experience problems, but 25% will have flu-like symptoms for two to seven days following the mosquito attack. Over-the-counter pain medication, rest, and hydration are usually sufficient to combat dengue.
Some diseases, like the chikungunya virus, do not manifest until several days after an infected mosquito bite. Muscle and joint pain and other flu-like symptoms appear about three to seven days after the attack and last one week.
Another potentially damaging disease mosquitoes spread is encephalitis. Like other diseases spread by mosquitoes, most people do not experience symptoms when infected; however, some experience fever, headaches, and other flu-like symptoms about five to 15 days after infection. In rare cases, encephalitis can cause brain or spinal cord tissue swelling and can be fatal in a tiny percentage of situations.
Although the list of mosquito-borne illnesses sounds scary, remember that most people do not experience symptoms from infected mosquitos, so don't panic when bitten. However, if you encounter issues within a few, seek medical attention.
Adams Exterminating protects your family from diseases spread by mosquitoes by providing expert mosquito control on your property.
Naturally Effective Mosquito Prevention Tips For Around The Yard
Mosquitoes are everywhere, and it is impossible to eradicate all mosquitoes or keep every mosquito from flying onto your property. Adams Exterminating will significantly reduce mosquitoes on your Dallas property, but for maximum results, we recommend the following:
- Remove water-collecting items in the yard.
- Provide drainage to ditches, gutters, low-lying areas, and potted plants.
- Change bird bath water frequently.
- Install a sprinkler in the retention pond.
- Eliminate overgrown vegetation and leaf piles.
- Elevate wood piles to allow for air circulation.
- Mow the grass short.
- Plant mosquito-repelling plants
The key is a yard free from moisture-trapping debris that is conducive to airflow and sunlight.
In addition to the suggestions for your lawn, you can prevent mosquitoes from invading your Dallas home by repairing window and door screens, sealing foundation and roofline cracks, and keeping exterior doors closed as much as possible.
The best way to get rid of mosquitoes in the yard is to partner with Adams Exterminating.
The Best Mosquito Control Solution For Dallas Properties
To drastically reduce the current mosquito population around your Dallas home, you need mosquito control in Dallas from Adams Exterminating. We will dispatch a trained, certified technician to inspect your property for mosquito attractants and hot spots. For those wanting mosquito control from March through October (the most active months), we treat bushes, dense ground cover, small bushy trees, and other mosquito breeding areas monthly. Furthermore, we will alert you to attractants on your property.
Although March through October are peak months of mosquito activity, they are active throughout the year due to our seasonably warm Texas climate. We install In2Care mosquito bait stations on your Dallas property for those wanting year-round protection. The stagnant water inside the traps lures fertilized females that enter the traps and land on a netting laced with an EPA-approved biological fungus. The fungus sticks to their bodies, and they spread it to breeding areas, killing the offspring and other adults. The fungi also destroy the eggs deposited by the female into the water. The In2Care system provides 24/7 year-round mosquito protection around your Dallas home.
Contact us today to learn about our mosquito control programs and get your free estimate.

Why Choose Adams Exterminating?
Our team brings a deep understanding of insect biology and behavior to create targeted pest control strategies. We're equipped with the latest techniques and technologies to effectively eliminate pests.
Recognizing that each space is different, we customize pest control services for every home or business. Our approach involves targeted solutions, addressing specific needs for your environment.
With a legacy dating back to 1947, our pest control company brings decades of experience with a proven track record to keep your space critter-free.
As a locally owned business with offices in both Denton and Lewisville, we are rooted in the community and dedicated to serving our neighbors with personalized service.